Volume-2 Issue-2, October 2022
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Volume-2 Issue-2, October 2022, ISSN: 2582-9521 (Online)
Published By: Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
Effect of Drug Resistance on the Pathogenicity and Virulence of Salmonella Typhimurium
Renu Goel
Respiratory Response and Hemolymph Sugar Level of the Crab Barytelphusa Gureini Exposed to Heavy Metals
Akhter Ali Siddiqui1, Arif Ahmad2, Nadeem Fatima Ansari3
Dr. José Luis da Silva Nunes
PhD.(Plant Science), UG(Fitotecnia), PG(Agronomia)
Member of Elsevier
Rio Grande do Sul, Department of Agronegócios, Badesul Desenvolvimento, Brazil.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, SSRN, Scopus
Specialization: Agronomy, Plant Science
General Editors
Dr. Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra
Ph.D(Architecture), M.A(Architecture), B.A(Architecture)
Member of Springer
Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, SSRN
Specialization: Architecture, Urban anda Regional Planning, Urban Design, Landscape
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Tyagi
Ph.D.(Bioscience), M.Sc.(Life Science), B.Sc.(Biology)
Member of Elsevier, Springer
Professor and Dean Research, Department of Biotechnology, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Noida (Uttar Pradesh), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Loop
Specialization: Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology, Drosophila Biology and Genetics
Associate Editors
Dr. Tarkeshwar Gautam
Ph.D (Zoology), M.Phil (Zoology), M.Sc. (Zoology), B.Sc. (Zoology)
Member of IEEE
Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Kalindi College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Research Gate
Specialization: Applied Entomology, Ecology, Animal Behaviour
Dr. Semenov Anatolii
PhD(Biotechnology), M.Phil(Biotechnology), Diploma(Physics)
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava, Ukraine.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus
Specialization: Electrical Engineering, Photobiological and Photochemical Processes Under the Influence of UV Radiation, UV Disinfection of Water, Air, Surfaces